There is nothing quite as magical as seeing the first few snowflakes of the season fall from the sky. Being outside in the middle of a snowy winter wonderland as snowflakes swirl all around is simply thrilling! The only thing that could rival that sense of awe is actually catching a few snowflakes on your…
Elf Coloring Pages
Santa may get all the credit, but we all know that the elves at the North Pole are integral to making Christmas happen! They build the toys, wrap all the gifts, and get everything ready for Santa’s big day. It’s a lot of work – believe us, we know! So we’re giving Santa’s elves the…
Twas The Night Before Christmas Printables
If you hear or read the words, “‘Twas the night before Christmas…” we’re almost certain you’d be able to finish the sentence and perhaps even more! The Night Before Christmas, a poem written by Clement Clarke Moore (and technically entitled “A Visit from St. Nicholas”), has been enjoyed by children worldwide for 200 years and…
Halloween I Spy
If you’re hosting a Halloween party this year (or even if you’re not!) and you need a fun Halloween activity to keep kids entertained then we’ve got just the thing for you! “I Spy” (sometimes called seek and find or search and find as well!) has been a popular game for children for forever and…
Fall Borders
If you can smell cider, cinnamon rolls, and pumpkin pie in the air then you know it must be fall! Of course, once autumn arrives the days start to get shorter, the air gets a little bit cooler, and the trees show off all their magnificent colors–the most visually beautiful sight of all! If you…
Halloween Spider Coloring Pages
Of all the creepy crawly things that come with the Halloween season the most creepy and crawly of all is the agile arachnid, aka spider! Sure, we see them throughout the year but there is something especially chilling about seeing them as they join in the eerie scenes of Halloween. They decorate porches and front…
Graveyard Coloring Pages
If there’s one place we don’t want to be on Halloween night it is definitely a graveyard with terrifying tombstones! Cemeteries are nothing to be afraid of any other day of the year but on Halloween, they somehow become especially eerie. So rather than go anywhere near them on October 31st we’ll opt for coloring…
Christmas Present Coloring Pages
If you’ve ever been around children during the month of December you can see a definite sparkle in their eye – everything is so magical! From decorating the Christmas tree to making gingerbread houses and Christmas cookies there is so much fun to be had during the Christmas season. But we know for a fact…
Anniversary Calendars
It seems the older we get the more anniversaries we need to remember! Between friends, family, colleagues, or other people we know who are celebrating anniversaries it can become difficult to keep them all straight or to remember them at all (not to mention remembering our own anniversaries)! We like to have a place where…
Leaf Borders
The telltale sign that autumn has arrived is the changing of the color of leaves from green to red, brown, orange, and yellow. Whether you live in a city or out in the country the scene of leaves shifting from one color to the next is breathtaking! The Free Printable Leaf Borders we’re offering here,…