You never know when you’ll need a watermelon coloring page. It could be a holiday where watermelon is a staple on the menu like the Fourth of July or Memorial Day, or maybe your child/student/class is learning about The Letter W or the color red. Perhaps it’s snack time and watermelon is being served and…
Weight Loss Trackers
The New Year is a perfect opportunity to assess where we are in life and to determine what goals we’d like to achieve in the coming twelve months – goals that will make us happy, healthy, and prosperous. While we have many, many free printables to help you get organized (printable planners, free printable calendars,…
Gingerbread House Coloring Pages
Decorating gingerbread houses is a favorite Christmas tradition. Who doesn’t love an edible house made out of cookies and adorned with frosting and sweet treats?! While there are certainly many, many ways to build and trim a gingerbread house the image of a cookie-based house with peppermints, candy canes, and gumdrops is undeniably iconic. Below…
2023 Three Month Calendars
Whether you have personal goals, a target to reach for work, or just want to be able to see multiple months at a glance, these Free Printable 2023 Three Month Calendars (Sunday and Monday start calendars are available) are just what you need! Being able to look at one-fourth of the year at a time…
2023 Four Month Calendars
We have lots of free printables that help you to plan your days, weeks, and months in all the detail you need to make your life run smoothly. But sometimes the most helpful way to organize your time is from a macro level – being able to see the broader picture of what your future…
Christmas Word Scrambles
There are many times when printable Christmas activities come in handy, whether it’s for a school class Christmas party, a get-together with family and/or friends, a work party (think prizes for the fastest person!), or just to keep your children happily entertained with holiday-themed activities while you get all the things done! Regardless of the…
Merry Christmas Coloring Pages
“Merry Christmas” is a greeting we hear very often this time of year! We hear it from young children, those who are “young at heart”, and every age in between. It gets scattered around like snowflakes to friends, family, neighbors, and acquaintances and brings with it sentiments of love, joy, hope, goodwill, and happiness. We…
Reindeer Coloring Pages
Close your eyes and imagine Santa’s magical reindeer flying Santa and his sleigh through the night sky on Christmas Eve – it is one of the most iconic Christmas images and is one that dances through children’s daydreams for all of December! Kids all over the world eagerly anticipate the jingle of sleigh bells and…
December 2023 Calendars
It’s the most wonderful/happy/stressful/expensive/busiest/magical time of the year! While we absolutely love Christmas time we know firsthand that for parents and teachers it is also a lot of work! Between school events and sing-a-longs, outdoor fun, vacations, family traditions, shopping, hosting, and special holiday meals…(we could go on and on here)…there is A LOT to…
November 2023 Calendars
Get ready to buckle in for the busiest stretch of the year! Between now and the new year things get really exciting (read: hectic) really fast! If you know you’re going to be involved in a flurry of activity this November then you’ll need one of these free printable November calendars to keep everything running…