March is the month that, speaking of the weather, can come in like a lion and out like a lamb or vice versa – we never know! Spring weather wants to show up but winter is not quite finished with its low temperatures and random blizzards. It’s such an unpredictable month! But one thing we…
Halloween Cat Coloring Pages
You may consider crossing paths with a black cat around Halloween time to be bad luck, but in this case, coming across these adorable Halloween Cat Coloring Pages is very fortuitous! With 25 cat coloring pages and templates in all, you (and your children and/or students) are sure to find one (or more) that you’ll…
February 2023 Calendars
It is love month once again! We love being able to tell our family, neighbors, and friends how much we love and appreciate them! Every month is a busy month and February is no exception, which is why we are grateful to have a day set aside to remind us to slow down and let…
Witch Coloring Pages
It’s the time of year when football players, ghosts, princesses, and superheroes all appear on our doorsteps asking for a trick or an extra sweet treat. The most iconic Halloween costume of all, however, has got to be the witch – with her black robe, flying broomstick, and pointed hat! Whether you’ve got an adorable…
January 2023 Calendars
It’s a brand new year! We’re excited to see what this year will bring. One thing is for sure – we are going to do everything within our ability and sphere of influence to make sure it is a good one! Self-improvement is a great place to start and we’re sure you’ve already started thinking…
Planner Cover Pages
We love pretty and functional planners and know that you do too! Planner covers are the first step in setting up your very own planner. They are what everyone (including yourself) sees each and every time you pull out your planner to organize your life – which can be multiple times a day! Your planner…
Yearly Calendar Planner Pages
Seeing your entire year at a glance (i.e. from a macro level) makes it much easier to organize around your major life events. Using our free printable yearly calendar planner pages allows you to identify all the big things in your life that you will need to work around (and also to make sure you…
Monthly Planner Pages
Part of stepping up your organizational game with your planner is breaking down the current year into months, then weeks, then days, etc. To get started, you’ll want to print out a Monthly Title Page or Insert and Monthly Planner Pages for each of the 12 months of the year. Monthly Title Pages or Inserts:…
Weekly Planner Pages
The beginning of another week is a wonderful reset – the opportunity to look at a fresh new week and see all of its possibilities! Many people use the weekend to sit down, look at their calendars, and plan out the upcoming seven days of their lives. So much can be planned in just a…
Daily Planner Pages
Daily Planner Pages are where we really focus on the details of our everyday lives. This is where we direct all our attention to the most specific items like departure times, hourly blocks for specific tasks, and making sure that time is set aside for the most important thing(s) to be done every day. If…