While at the zoo or out in nature it can be tricky to spy the animals you’re looking for. They either like to hide away from the limelight or can camouflage themselves in their surroundings. There is one more place where animals like to attempt to be hidden: these Free Printable Animal I Spy Printables!…
Fall I Spy
Fall is a wonderful season! It gives us holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving, the leaves change from green to various shades of yellow, orange, and red, and the weather finally begins to cool off after a scorching hot summer creating ideal temperatures for spending lots of time exploring the outdoors. While going hiking or taking…
Not An Exit Signs
It can be tricky to know, especially in unfamiliar locations, which doors lead to where. Whether to inform people of where they should not go if they are trying to leave the building or to (perhaps more importantly) help them be more knowledgeable of where they need to go in the event of an emergency,…
Summer I Spy
Ahh, the lazy days of summer are here again. Unless you have children, in which case it probably won’t be as lazy as you may have hoped and dreamed! 😉 While you might have vacations planned, a summer calendar filled with events, and summer bucket lists brimming with ideas of things to do there will…
Do Not Disturb Signs
You may have seen Do Not Disturb signs in hotel hallways to let housekeeping know not to enter a room without permission, but they can be used in so many other instances including, but not limited to, important meetings that should not be disrupted, time needed to focus on a task such as studying for…
No Public Restroom Signs
If you are a business owner, a secretary who works at the front desk, or any other employee or staff member that works at a location where restrooms are not available for public use then you may have experienced some awkward moments where patrons or passersby have expected one to be accessible to them. To…
Please Use Other Door Signs
We’ve all been to buildings or offices that have many entrances and we are sometimes unsure which one to use. While some may seem obvious, all it takes is one tug or a little push on the door handle to realize the one you’ve chosen was not the right one. So you try another only…
Out of Service Signs
Communication is key in every aspect of life. It can be verbal (spoken face-to-face), non-verbal (using facial expressions or body language), written (in letters, texts, emails, etc.), and can be between people you either know very well or not at all. Communication is everywhere you turn, from the menu at your favorite restaurant to traffic…
Trash Signs
We all like to keep our spaces as clean and organized as possible whether it be communal office spaces such as bathrooms and kitchens, your personal desk area, or even locations accessed by the general public such as playgrounds and lobbies. If you’re wanting to ensure that everyone is aware of where they can and…
Tip Jar Signs
In many, if not all, restaurants in the United States and around the world you will see one common (and sometimes overlooked) item: a tip jar. What is a tip jar used for? Usually placed near a cash register, a tip jar is an opportunity to give an extra contribution to the establishment’s employee(s) usually…