Summer is now in full swing! And while summertime may be a break from school, it is still as busy as ever between sports camps, play dates, vacations, holidays, and all the rest of life’s happenings. Sure, some mornings may be a little more lackadaisical as we sleep in, stay in our pajamas a little too long, and enjoy some morning cartoons, but for the most part, we’ve still got lots going on, which is why we still need calendars and to-do lists to keep us organized and getting where we need to be on time.
Below, you will find 33 free printable July 2022 calendars – all of which are free and easy to print! Simply scroll through the options below, click on your favorite image(s), download the PDF file(s) to your computer, and print!
This month we’ve also included a number of the calendars in a “Monday start” fashion. So, if you prefer your calendars to start with Monday then scroll down to the section at the bottom of the page and choose from one of the 8 calendars that start on Monday instead of Sunday.
If you’re here for the first time, welcome! We’re happy you’re here! Since you clearly love free printables and are interested in our calendars make sure you jump over here to see all of our printable calendars (and here are 2022 summer calendars, 84 2022 3-month calendars, 25 May calendars, 25 June calendars, 33 August calendars, and 50 September calendars) to see the other months we have currently available. We’re always adding more and more so keep checking back or subscribe to our site to get updates on when new free printables are posted! You can do so in the sidebar where it says “Get Free Printables In Your Inbox!”.
Other 4th of July Posts:
American Flag Coloring Pages & Templates
Monday Start Versions
The calendars below are some of the same designs as the ones above but all start on Monday instead of Sunday. So, whether you prefer calendars that start on Sunday (all the ones above) or calendars that start on Monday (all the ones below), happy planning! 🙂
Yaayyy! Couldn’t wait and you definitely didn’t disappoint!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Loved the designs. Saw you kept the 1st one. 😀
It’s here to stay. 🙂
I love the one with the polka dots at the bottom. I have used that design for a couple of months now – printed vertically on 11×17 paper (trimming the excess) to make a large desk calendar! Thank you!
Great idea, Sarah! We’re glad you’ve found one you like!! 🙂
Thank You
Our pleasure. 🙂
Amazing! Thank you so much!
You bet! 🙂
thank you for great designs
You’re welcome! 🙂