You may consider crossing paths with a black cat around Halloween time to be bad luck, but in this case, coming across these adorable Halloween Cat Coloring Pages is very fortuitous! With 25 cat coloring pages and templates in all, you (and your children and/or students) are sure to find one (or more) that you’ll…
Coloring Pages
Witch Coloring Pages
It’s the time of year when football players, ghosts, princesses, and superheroes all appear on our doorsteps asking for a trick or an extra sweet treat. The most iconic Halloween costume of all, however, has got to be the witch – with her black robe, flying broomstick, and pointed hat! Whether you’ve got an adorable…
ABC Coloring Pages
Learning the alphabet is such an important skill for young children to accomplish and is certainly very rewarding once it has been achieved! Children love to recite or sing the alphabet and being able to perfect the identification, sounds, and writing of all the letters is a catalyst to learning how to read! We recently…
Letter Z Coloring Pages
Zoo, zebra, zigzag, and zip. Thanks for joining us on this Alphabet Coloring Page trip! You’ve learned lots of words and letters and sounds – you’ve gone through the alphabet, and your knowledge has grown by leaps and bounds! You’ve got one letter left and you know what to do – color and learn and…
Letter Y Coloring Pages
Yay! Today’s the day we learn the letter Y! From yummy words like yolk, yam, and yogurt to fun words like yak, yacht, and yo-yo, the letter Y is a very good letter to know! And yes, downloading these free printable Letter Y Coloring Pages is super quick and easy. Just click the image, download,…
Letter X Coloring Pages
The letter X is an excellent letter to learn! It starts off with words that are fun to say such as xylophone and x-ray. It also helps to make words like aXe and boX! To download your free printable Letter X Coloring Pages, follow these 3 easy steps: 1. Scroll through the images below and…
Letter W Coloring Pages
Wow! We’re almost to the end of the alphabet! If you’ve been learning along with us through our Alphabet Coloring Page Series, you’re 88% of the way there! You are doing wonderfully! We like using the letter W for spelling, writing, and saying words such as whale, watermelon, and wand. What are your favorite W…
Letter V Coloring Pages
Today is the day to make a valiant effort to learn the letter V! Volcano, valentine, and vacation are all such vibrant words that use the letter V! We’re sure that by using these 15 free printable coloring pages to learn the letter V you will come out victorious! To get these free PDF files,…
Letter U Coloring Pages
These 15 unique free printable Letter U Coloring Pages are very useful! They will help you learn the letter that makes unforgettable words such as unicorn, umbrella, urchin, and unicycle. You’re getting close to the end of our Alphabet Coloring Pages Series! You are unstoppable! Getting these letter U coloring pages is easy and uncomplicated….
Letter T Coloring Pages
What a terrific letter to learn today! The letter T gives us thrilling words like truck, tiger, and train! Trust us when we say that these 15 free printable Letter T Coloring Pages are a great resource for teaching your children and students! Printing these letter T coloring pages is totally easy. All you need…