We love Earth Day for all the ways it encourages us to love and take care of our earth. Whether you and your family direct your Earth Day efforts towards conserving energy, picking up trash, focusing on recycling, reducing waste, reusing or repurposing objects, or planting trees and other plants we applaud your efforts! We’re…
Coloring Pages
Earth Coloring Pages
Whether you’re teaching children about space and where our Earth belongs in it, or you’re helping them learn about the planet on which they live, you undoubtedly need some Earth Coloring Pages to add to your learning activities! The Earth we live on is so beautiful and we know that with your child or student’s…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Pages
Whether or not you are of Irish descent, you may have worn green, eaten Lucky Charms, dyed your milk green, and wished another green-wearing friend a “Happy St. Patrick’s Day” on March 17th. Or maybe you’ve even dined on traditional Irish soda bread, corned beef, Irish potato soup, or shepherd’s pie on St. Patrick’s Day….
St. Patrick’s Day Color By Number
Color-by-number pages are one of our favorite coloring activities because the end result looks so much like a stained glass window! It is especially breathtaking when there are a lot of colors involved, which is why these St. Patrick’s Day Color By Number pages are particularly remarkable! With all the rainbows, gold, and varying shades…
Pot of Gold Templates & Coloring Pages
While we’ve never found a literal pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, we still wish, as little kids do, to one day follow a colorful rainbow and find a pile of golden coins at the end! We’d even settle for the gold foil-wrapped chocolate variety! St. Patrick’s Day gets all of us…
Bunny Coloring Pages
There are a few things that indicate that springtime has finally arrived: warmer weather, recurring rain showers, flowers beginning to bloom (see our free printable flower coloring pages here), and little animals–especially bunnies–hopping around! We love little bunnies for their tiny pink noses, long floppy ears, and short fluffy tails. If you have a pet…
March Coloring Pages
We wonder every year if March will come in like a lion and out like a lamb or if it will be just the opposite! Regardless of how the weather where you live shakes out, there’s one thing we can count on: March being a lucky month! Just as we created February Coloring Pages, we’ve…
Flower Coloring Pages
Flowers are such a beautiful part of nature and are sure to make anyone smile and daydream of walking through a charming backyard garden or running through a vast bloom-filled field on a sunny summer day. Regardless of the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of flowering plant varieties across the world and thus…
Cake Coloring Pages
If you’re anything like us, you’re always looking for an excuse to make a cake! It doesn’t matter if it’s a birthday (free printable birthday cards here), a holiday, or just a random Wednesday night, we feel like every day is worth celebrating! And it could be a whole three-layer cake decorated to the nines…
February Coloring Pages
February is such a lovely month (pun intended). And while the weather in February may not be ideal where you live, there are still benefits to cold weather such as wooly socks, cozy sweaters, and mug after mug of hot cocoa and we think those are reasons enough to love this month! Although February is…