Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year…and arguably the most expensive! It can be so easy to let spending get out of control, but you’ve got this! You’ve been organized about your spending habits all year long and now is the time to show off just how far you’ve come in being able to manage your resources! These Free Printable Christmas Budget Templates are exactly what you need to determine where you need to spend money and how much you are willing and/or able to spend in each category. Between special dinners, get-togethers, teacher gifts, family gifts, neighbor gifts, decorating, special outings, hosting, etc. there is a lot! That’s why it’s so important to know how much money you have to devote to each area so there is no guesswork…which can lead to overspending.
So if you’d rather experience Christmas than expense it then grab a pencil and your favorite Free Christmas Budget Template from the options below (just click on the one you like, download the PDF file, and print!) and start jotting in all the numbers. We think you’ll find that you’ll easily be able to determine which areas warrant more of your hard-earned money and which areas you can cut back on while you work on figuring out where to allocate your funds. Just remember, even if you’re on a budget, Christmas can still be magical and fulfilling and full of joy! Budgeting for it just has the added benefits of making it less stressful as well as setting yourself up for having a happy (and debt-free) New Year! 🙂
If you’d like more Free Printables this Christmas season, check out our Free Christmas Printables page and also our Free Christmas Coloring Pages – which are a great activity for kids at home during Christmas or for any Christmas gathering involving children!
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