We know you’ve got a lot of people to buy gifts for this holiday season. We do too! There are your children and spouse, extended family members, friends, teachers, co-workers, neighbors…should we keep going?! There is obviously a lot of gift-giving this time of year to let the people in our lives know we care for and appreciate them. The tricky part is keeping it all organized so nothing gets overlooked!
Enter our Free Printable Christmas Gift List Templates. These will help you keep every person, item, price, store, etc organized so you can see all the information you need at a glance! Need to return something? No problem! You noted where you purchased it. Not sure if you got an equal number of gifts for each of your kids? Easy! Just look at the list you created for each one. Afraid you might have overspent? Just check your prices and totals for each person so you have an idea of where you’re at. These Christmas gift list templates are very useful at Christmas time for sure, but you can print them any time of the year to use for jotting in ideas of what so-and-so’s favorite color is, or what clothing size they are, or what you noticed them eyeing while out and about – by doing so you’ll be armed with a bunch of great gifts ideas when Christmastime rolls around next year!
Shopping for other people can be hard, but printing out a Christmas Gift List doesn’t need to be! All you need to do is follow these three easy steps:
1. Click on the image you’d like to use,
2. Download the PDF file to your computer, and
3. Print!
If you like printables as much as we do then you should check out our Free Christmas Printables! And since you’re obviously an organized person, check out our Free Organization Printables as well to keep you humming along year-round.
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